So we decided to make a distinction and here you will find only the best 50 porn stars born in Asia (a ranking for true connoisseurs since you will not find very famous names) this means that you will find hot girls from India, China, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Israel, Malaysia, Taiwan, Kazakhstan. Maybe asians do not do great porn, but they do great sex. But despite their number, finding porn actresses that really were born in Asia was not easy, since the porn industry has developed a lot in America and Europe, and it is easy to find many girls with Asian roots but who are not born on this continent. TOP 50 Pornstars Born in Asia The first thing known that comes to mind thinking of Asia as a continent is that it’s the largest of the five continents of the world and the one that contains the largest number of people: we are talking about 4 billion people! Obviously this stats are strongly influenced by the two main nations of this continent, China and India, but Asia is home of 48 different and lesser-known countries, many of them with a very long history and a thousand-year-old culture.